Gaming Addiction
Gaming Addiction
Video game addiction is compulsive or uncontrolled use of video games, in a way that causes problems in other areas of the person's life.
Does gaming cause addiction?
Similar to tobacco, alcohol or drugs, screen time or video games can become an addiction if it damages your health and relationships, and you are unable to control it.
Is gaming addiction a mental disorder?
Video game addiction is a mental health disorder, World Health Organization says. The WHO calls gaming addiction "a pattern of persistent or recurrent gaming behavior" so severe it "takes precedence over other life interests".
How many hours do video game addicts play?
Playing for a minimum of 10 hours a day, for some reaching for up to 15 hours of gaming is common among addicts. Normally during the day, many gaming addicts are sleep deprived. Some gamers may have agoraphobia, a phobia, or a type of anxiety disorder wherein they do not leave the house.
Pros of Gaming
Although research is still ongoing on the pros and cons of video games, some studies thus far have shown the following benefits when an individual plays video games:
Games Improve Problem-Solving Skills and Logic
Video games involve a lot of critical thinking, problem-solving, and the use of logic. As a gamer, you have to work your way through the game by using specific skills to achieve the game’s goals. Developing these skills in video games may translate into better job performance or improved performance in school.
Improved Hand-to-Eye Coordination
Playing video games improves your hand-to-eye coordination, making you more capable of performing tasks that involve coordination of your eyes and your hands.These tasks can include everything from everyday tasks such as driving, typing, or performing manual tasks with your hands to professional skills like performing surgeries.
Faster and More Accurate Decision-Making
Another pro of gaming is the ability to make more accurate decisions in a much quicker fashion. Players of video games will tell you that several games prompt you to make your decisions quickly based on the information you receive from the game itself. For example, the game Call of Duty involves fast-paced action, and you need to make the right decisions at the right time to win. Again, this skill can be crucial in several fields of work, such as in the army or in the hospital, where you need to make fast and accurate decisions based on the facts and information you have, especially when you have limited time.
You See More Detail
Video games and eyesight quality is still a hotly debated topic. Some studies tell us that excessive screen time causes eyestrain and might even hurt your eyes. In contrast, other studies show us that playing video games might improve your ability to see more details in your eyesight, especially in your periphery. This development of your eyes might help you drive better and perform various tasks that include driving.
Games Promote Social Activity and Teamwork
Video games can promote teamwork and social engagement with other players, making it a modern form of socialization for kids and young adults. Also, several games present the opportunity to make new friends and connect to them in ways that no other medium does, including the chance to meet people from all over the world.
Cons of Video Games
Despite several benefits of playing video games, there are also many disadvantages of video games that might impact the quality of your life.
These are the most common cons of video games:-
Video games can make people more violent
According to The Telegraph, researchers have found a direct link between violent video games and an increase in aggressive behavior. This applies particularly to “shoot-em-up” games that simulate firearms.
Video games may decrease players’ ability to concentrate
A study published in Psychology of Popular Media Culture found a correlation between the length of time individuals play video games and their ability to remain focused. The study also suggested that playing video games may exacerbate the impulsiveness of individuals who already have this inclination.
Video games can become addictive
A university study found that one in 10 youth gamers is “addicted;” their playing habits cause family, social, school or psychological damage. Treatment programs combating video game addiction have cropped up across the world, including in the United States, South Korea and the Netherlands.
Video games may increase depression and anxiety
While it’s true that video games can help combat anxiety and depression, other studies have shown that they might cause or exacerbate these conditions instead. A study in Cyber psychology, Behavior and Social Networking, for example, found that fifth-graders who play video games two or more hours a day are more likely to have symptoms of depression than those who play less.
By :- Garima joshi
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